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How to choose the best diesel engine oil additives
Source: | Author:pmo20eb87 | Published time: 1753 days ago | 3055 Views | Share:

In this article, Ill help you understand what oil additives are by talking about their properties, usage, and types. Furthermore, Ill present 2 products which I think are the best oil additives currently on the market. Without further ado, lets get into it.

If you want to have a smooth-running diesel engine, its important to pay attention to two things. First of all, you need to maintain the engine frequently. That almost goes without saying. Second of all, you need to properly select the product which will serve as a lubricant. In other words, you need one of the best oil additives for diesel engines out there.If you compare oil additive brands that you can get today with the ones that were available before, youll notice a considerable difference. Modern oil additive is essentially a combination of different oil base stocks and additive components. Older ones were always based on pure petroleum, and they never included any additional ingredients.
So, a good lubricant additive must have some characteristics, such as dispersant, anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties, because without these characteristics, your additives may damage your engine, will corrode the inner shell, it will be difficult to clean up the residue of additives, affect the engine work,
 The T6062 diesel additive API cl-4 and T6042 diesel additive API CF4 developed by us has good dispersion, oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance